Our Goals & Values

Our association has set itself the goal of promoting culture, education, science and research at Aachen University.


Inform the public about different sexual orientations and gender identities, including homosexuality, bisexuality, asexuality, transgender and intersexuality, as well as about a non-binary gender model.


The findings of sexology show that heterosexual and non-heterosexual behaviour are equally valid forms of expression of human sexuality, just as different forms of gender identity are equally valid.

Offer Counselling

Offer psychosocial counselling, discussions and support to people who need help because of their sexual and/or romantic orientation and/or gender identity in accordance with the provisions of the German Tax Code (AO) in order to overcome self-rejection, social isolation or exclusion.

Promote sexual health

Support public health, especially through education and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Promote literature

Fostering and sharing scientific and educational literature.

Organise Events

Support cultural events.

Promote equality

Promote equality for people with different gender identities and lifestyles by expanding existing roles, especially with regard to different lifestyles of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, asexuals, transgender and intersex people as well as people with a non-binary gender identity.


Our association has no commercial interests and pursues exclusively non-profit and charitable purposes in accordance with the provisions of the German Tax Code. We act selflessly and do not primarily aim to achieve self-serving goals. The association’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes and our members do not receive any financial benefits from the association’s funds. No person may benefit from expenses that do not serve the purpose of the association or from excessively high remuneration.