Inspired by the original FLINTA* Cruising
This event is welcome to anyone who isn’t comfortable in ‘traditional’ straight and gay male cruising spaces.
This includes cis women, transfemmes, transmascs, non-binary people, robots, cats, agender beings and so on. Also, anyone who is unsure of their identity. There will be no “FLINTA control” at the door or anything like that.
The idea of the FLINTA Cruising is to have a space where beings can flirt with each other, make out, and generally have other sexy encounters with beings you might not know yet.
The event will begin at 18:00 on the 29th of March, and will end at around 02:00.
We encourage, but do not require non-verbal interaction, flirting and consent communication. If you’re more comfortable speaking, you are also free to do that.
- If you want to touch a specific part of someone, point to it to ask
- If you want someone to touch a specific part of you, point to it
- If you want to make out, point to your lips
- To say yes, either say “yes” or nod
- To say no, either say “no”, or shake your head
- To slow things down or stop the current touching, gently move the other beings hand away from where it is, to where you want it to be
- If at any time you are unsure about the consent situation, feel free to just speak
Covid & Health
- A Covid rapid test is a requirement of entry. We will not check this at the door. If you forget, we have a limited amount available on-site.
- No alcohol or other drug consumption within the space
- Intoxicated beings may be turned away at the door
- You can get water for free at the bar, and soft-drinks for a small fee
- Four air filters are distributed throughout the space and will be running continuously
Information regarding accessibility is available here:
No more than 50 beings will be allowed in the space. If more than that register, there will be a lottery – more details on that will be provided here if that threshold is reached.
This is a 100% free (as in gratis, not open-source, sorry) event.
We have absolutely no idea how many beings are planning to show up. Please register your interest here: – we require only an email and a (nick)name
Awareness & First Aid
Helpers for the event are called ‘demons’. At all times, there will be at least two demons on-duty who you can speak to if you have any problems. These will be wearing glowing blue demon horns, and will not be engaging in any sexual activities during their shift.
At least one first-aid qualified demon will also be on-duty at all times. They can be identified by their glowing green horns.
Participants are banned from wearing blue or green demon horns.
If you are in a situation where you need immediate help, you can say “mayday”. Awareness demons will then immediately come to help, if they hear it. If you, as a participant hear someone say “mayday”, please immediately contact an awareness demon.
Condoms, dental dams, water-based lubricant and gloves are freely available, courtesy of the AIDS Hilfe.
Vegan food will be available starting at 20:00.
No photos, videos or audio recordings are allowed at any time within the space. Phone cameras must be taped before entering.
Please bring your ID to verify your age at the door. You may cover all parts of the ID that are not the picture and the date of birth.
Dress Code
Wear something that makes you feel sexy and/or comfortable. No green or blue demon horns are allowed.
Demons required
We still need demons to help with:
- Access control
- First-aid
- Cleaning, both on the evening of the event and the morning after If you are willing to help, please contact us by
- email or
- fedi
This is an event of the Queerreferat an den Aachener Hochschulen e.V. and is not endorsed in any way by the Chaos Computer Club e.V. or any other CCC-adjacent organisation. Organisers reserve the right to exclude anyone at any time without explanation.