
We are always happy when new people want to help out. If you are interested in helping with an evening, you are welcome to contact the current evening leader directly. Otherwise you will find a list of teams below where you can get involved. Individual tasks and projects are usually distributed at the plenum, where you can also contribute new ideas. More on this below.

If you don’t want to lead an evening yet, there are regular cocktail bars and information stands where you can help out and represent the department. (Attention! As some of these events are external, there is a risk that people will see you. If you don’t want to come out yet or don’t want to come out to certain people, we recommend that you first get involved in a warm-up (i.e. the department’s internal cocktail bar).
Whether it’s cleaning up after events, taking over tasks at plenary sessions or leading evenings, we are grateful for every helping hand!


If you would like to get involved in the Queerreferat, the plenum is the right place for you. This is where we discuss everything that happens in the department on a monthly basis, and you can discuss and help make decisions.



We take care of the administration of the library, buy new books and co-operate with bookshops.


We take care of our social media channels and design posts for them. We also design flyers, merchandise and anything else that arises.


This team takes care of the implementation and organisation of the monthly Pub Nights. You can help out behind the bar or try out cool event ideas.


Together with the Rainbow (organiser of the CSD) we are planning our participation in the Christopher Street Day in Aachen and are trying to support the Rainbow.


We take care of the organisation and implementation of first semester events, order flyers and do everything we can to bring new queer students to us.ö


We take care of the organisation and implementation of our infamous cocktail bars. Both for external events and internal warm-ups


The tech team develops our web services and maintains them.


The Queer-Feminist ACtion is all about queer-feminist politics. Among other things, we organise demos and do everything we can to advance queer feminism


This is all about the design of the unit’s premises. We buy new furniture, choose colours and think about how we can make the rooms even more beautiful.