
We at the Queerreferat always endeavour to offer you a pleasant and inclusive experience. We would like to point out that our premises are currently not barrier-free due to a break-in. As a temporary solution, we are therefore using our rear entrance, which unfortunately has steps. Please note that there are a further five steps to negotiate after the rear entrance.

We understand the importance of accessibility and are actively working to make our spaces as accessible as possible. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please also note that the bathroom may not be wide enough to accommodate everyone’s needs.

Nevertheless, in order to create an inclusive environment, we are pleased to announce that the “Queer and Disabled” event will temporarily take place in the Meffis rooms. This is a temporary solution to ensure that this event is accessible to all.

We are always endeavouring to keep our website up to date to keep you informed of any changes regarding the accessibility of our premises. Please visit our website regularly for the latest information.

Thank you for your understanding and support in our endeavours to create an inclusive environment for all. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.